In My opinion the "N" word is not a race, creed, color, culture, nationality or religion. But rather a behavioral attitude which anyone may express at anytime. Therefore if you are expressing this kind of behavior then the "shoe fits" no matter who or what color you may be. The "N" word is brought to mind every time I see NAACP. Maybe it would be better to change the Oginizations name if they are offended by "N" words. Changing NAACP to USAACP might be more appropriate. There are many words that could be "N" words: Nerd, Numbskull, Nanny, Nasty, Nothing, Nobobdy, New, Never or Nice. The dictionary is full of examples. I'm just guessing here but I believe that the "N" word in Question, is a slang variation, and short for another "N" word. And that the color "Black" was substituted for both other "N" word terminologies. If that's the case, then black is merely a generalized discription of "CP"(colored people) when in actullity the color black is incorrect. As many shades of brown would be more acurate. I have yet to see a real black man. Or for that matter A "N" man. Ones color is only a discription of ones outward appearance.
I am not "White" as some might discribe me. I am of the Human Race. I happen to be some shade of biege, pink, red , and yes a light shade of brown or tan.
I am an American as well as are all others who may have been born in this great country, came here legally and can offer proof of this "Documentation" like the SS#s or drivers lic.#s if applicable. If you came here from Africa and became a citizen of America then you are an American also. Not African-American. Also, the "Blackman" is not exclusive to Africa. But several other countries and territories as well. The same applies to those who also came from other countries. Germany, France, England, Poland, Russia, etc. You can be a Hungry-American, but only for lack of something to eat. This being said, I believe we should look at others as individuals. And accept them as such. Not as part of a culture or group. And only link to certain behavioral groups.
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