Here we go again another round of names hurting more than the sticks & stones.
My ramblings and opinions on current issues affecting our country,constitution and Personal liberties. As well as everyday happenings of interest. But Mostly just my thoughts at the moment! WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED FUTURE! IN THE DAYS AHEAD.
Webby 91225
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Discussing the "N" word
In My opinion the "N" word is not a race, creed, color, culture, nationality or religion. But rather a behavioral attitude which anyone may express at anytime. Therefore if you are expressing this kind of behavior then the "shoe fits" no matter who or what color you may be. The "N" word is brought to mind every time I see NAACP. Maybe it would be better to change the Oginizations name if they are offended by "N" words. Changing NAACP to USAACP might be more appropriate. There are many words that could be "N" words: Nerd, Numbskull, Nanny, Nasty, Nothing, Nobobdy, New, Never or Nice. The dictionary is full of examples. I'm just guessing here but I believe that the "N" word in Question, is a slang variation, and short for another "N" word. And that the color "Black" was substituted for both other "N" word terminologies. If that's the case, then black is merely a generalized discription of "CP"(colored people) when in actullity the color black is incorrect. As many shades of brown would be more acurate. I have yet to see a real black man. Or for that matter A "N" man. Ones color is only a discription of ones outward appearance.
I am not "White" as some might discribe me. I am of the Human Race. I happen to be some shade of biege, pink, red , and yes a light shade of brown or tan.
I am an American as well as are all others who may have been born in this great country, came here legally and can offer proof of this "Documentation" like the SS#s or drivers lic.#s if applicable. If you came here from Africa and became a citizen of America then you are an American also. Not African-American. Also, the "Blackman" is not exclusive to Africa. But several other countries and territories as well. The same applies to those who also came from other countries. Germany, France, England, Poland, Russia, etc. You can be a Hungry-American, but only for lack of something to eat. This being said, I believe we should look at others as individuals. And accept them as such. Not as part of a culture or group. And only link to certain behavioral groups.
I am not "White" as some might discribe me. I am of the Human Race. I happen to be some shade of biege, pink, red , and yes a light shade of brown or tan.
I am an American as well as are all others who may have been born in this great country, came here legally and can offer proof of this "Documentation" like the SS#s or drivers lic.#s if applicable. If you came here from Africa and became a citizen of America then you are an American also. Not African-American. Also, the "Blackman" is not exclusive to Africa. But several other countries and territories as well. The same applies to those who also came from other countries. Germany, France, England, Poland, Russia, etc. You can be a Hungry-American, but only for lack of something to eat. This being said, I believe we should look at others as individuals. And accept them as such. Not as part of a culture or group. And only link to certain behavioral groups.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Immigration / REFUGEE Profiling
This was one of my "WebbysWords" from 2010. I did an update to include the latest happenings.
I'm all for profiling the Mexican, Islamic, and any other shady character lookalikes. Why should they be special most everyone else gets profiled every day. .
The days of Political Correctness have to end.
So what if your feelings get hurt. At least you aren't bleeding to death.
If your hangin with some folks who dress in camo, you get
profiled as a militia maniac.
If you keep your hair long and
your a male you get profiled as a Hopeless Hippy.
If your clothes are not quit up to the standards of some, you get
profiled as a homeless bum.
If you wear a nice suit, black shirt, with a light colored tie you might get profiled
as a Italian hit man or similar type of character.
If your male and dress in the clothing of the opposite sex, talk weird, and don't have a firm hand shake your profiled as Queer.
Gravitationally challenged people are profiled constantly and are now being
targeted by the "Food Police".
So why not Profile brown skinned people in Arizona?
Blacks have put up with it for centuries.
If you have tattoos you are profiled a certain way.
If you have body piercings covering your body you are profiled.
First impressions are not only for the job interview.
First impressions say things about you to others. If your first impression is different from what's expected then you better have a backup plan. If you are not what you look like the real you will show up when you speak.
What kind and how much education you have will be revealed when you open your mouth.
Actions we share with "the guys" are usually different than the ones we put forth when with our family or business partners, clergy, girl friends, or on a job interview.
Lets face it America. We are all biased in one way or another. It's only that most people, most of the time, control their biases and act civil towards one another. For me my bias is not based on skin color or obesity,or clothing. It's the attitude of the dude. And how one presents him or her self.
The only way to get to know someone is to profile "that first impression". Whether in your mind or openly so they know they're being profiled and can act accordingly.
SO LETS PROFILE AWAY ARIZONA, WE ALL DO IT. But lately We must do it more diligently
I'm all for profiling the Mexican, Islamic, and any other shady character lookalikes. Why should they be special most everyone else gets profiled every day. .
The days of Political Correctness have to end.
So what if your feelings get hurt. At least you aren't bleeding to death.
If your hangin with some folks who dress in camo, you get
profiled as a militia maniac.
If you keep your hair long and
your a male you get profiled as a Hopeless Hippy.
If your clothes are not quit up to the standards of some, you get
profiled as a homeless bum.
If you wear a nice suit, black shirt, with a light colored tie you might get profiled
as a Italian hit man or similar type of character.
If your male and dress in the clothing of the opposite sex, talk weird, and don't have a firm hand shake your profiled as Queer.
Gravitationally challenged people are profiled constantly and are now being
targeted by the "Food Police".
So why not Profile brown skinned people in Arizona?
Blacks have put up with it for centuries.
If you have tattoos you are profiled a certain way.
If you have body piercings covering your body you are profiled.
First impressions are not only for the job interview.
First impressions say things about you to others. If your first impression is different from what's expected then you better have a backup plan. If you are not what you look like the real you will show up when you speak.
What kind and how much education you have will be revealed when you open your mouth.
Actions we share with "the guys" are usually different than the ones we put forth when with our family or business partners, clergy, girl friends, or on a job interview.
Lets face it America. We are all biased in one way or another. It's only that most people, most of the time, control their biases and act civil towards one another. For me my bias is not based on skin color or obesity,or clothing. It's the attitude of the dude. And how one presents him or her self.
The only way to get to know someone is to profile "that first impression". Whether in your mind or openly so they know they're being profiled and can act accordingly.
SO LETS PROFILE AWAY ARIZONA, WE ALL DO IT. But lately We must do it more diligently
Monday, April 5, 2010
Why? What / Who's behind Transforming America?
What's The Real Reason?
Why is this Country not good enough for those who would have it transformed? (Barack H. Obama quest)
Why are those who are leading this transformation dissatisfied with what got them to where they are?
Is it not reasonable to think that the next generation of people will have things so bad that they must not even be able to study what the Country was like before they were born? How did we get to this junction?
What were the motives of the politicians when this transformation all got started?
Was it all because of the greed of the few was so overpowering that it was necessary to enslave the many? It certainly can't be an individual/personal gain that would exacerbate such a grand scheme. Can It?
For the process takes far too long to reach the end goal that anyone spearheading such an undertaking would be far removed from any position of power by the time of it's engagement. (Unless your one of those career politicians in our Congress.)
We all have the right to choose our destiny, or the path that leads us to that which we believe to be our destiny. And as long as we follow that path without hurting others along the way we can can usually make the journey unhindered. It's when we choose to take shortcuts by stealing from others what we want, instead of taking the extra time and our own resources that should be earned along the way. One should never be allowed to gain at the expense of their fellow man. Unless that Man may also prosper...
Why is this Country not good enough for those who would have it transformed? (Barack H. Obama quest)
Why are those who are leading this transformation dissatisfied with what got them to where they are?
Is it not reasonable to think that the next generation of people will have things so bad that they must not even be able to study what the Country was like before they were born? How did we get to this junction?
What were the motives of the politicians when this transformation all got started?
Was it all because of the greed of the few was so overpowering that it was necessary to enslave the many? It certainly can't be an individual/personal gain that would exacerbate such a grand scheme. Can It?
For the process takes far too long to reach the end goal that anyone spearheading such an undertaking would be far removed from any position of power by the time of it's engagement. (Unless your one of those career politicians in our Congress.)
We all have the right to choose our destiny, or the path that leads us to that which we believe to be our destiny. And as long as we follow that path without hurting others along the way we can can usually make the journey unhindered. It's when we choose to take shortcuts by stealing from others what we want, instead of taking the extra time and our own resources that should be earned along the way. One should never be allowed to gain at the expense of their fellow man. Unless that Man may also prosper...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Here is a partial listing of the Political groups happening now world wide.some of the group names are similar,but do not be confused they are different, and come from different parts of the country.There are many more group names just starting up out there with only 1-2 listing.
These numbers represent the number of groups. Not the number of members it's the number of groups using the individual name.
US Constitution 831
Constitutionalists 202
The 912 Project 218
912 Project 122
Tea Party 374
Liberty 178
Vote em out 14
Legal Politics 630
Conservatives 584
RepublicanParty 465
Republican Caucus 185
Bill of rights defence cmtee 44
Local Politics 630
Tax reform 59
Young republicans 124
Sean Hannity 20
Rush Limbaugh 21
Right tobear arms 240
Libertarian 555
Ron Paul Campaign 762
States Rights 31
10th Ammendment 55
Politics and activism 863
Limited Gov. 48
Fiscal responsibility 11
Common sense 6
Campaign for Liberty 234
Health Freedom 87
End the Fed. 79
Freedom 155
Political Activist 55
Restoring US Constitution 71 Fredom Campaign 156
Constitution Party 91
912WST,teaparty Liberty 316
Fair Tax 82
Here is a partial listing of the Political groups happening now world wide.some of the group names are similar,but do not be confused they are different, and come from different parts of the country.There are many more group names just starting up out there with only 1-2 listing.
These numbers represent the number of groups. Not the number of members it's the number of groups using the individual name.
US Constitution 831
Constitutionalists 202
The 912 Project 218
912 Project 122
Tea Party 374
Liberty 178
Vote em out 14
Legal Politics 630
Conservatives 584
RepublicanParty 465
Republican Caucus 185
Bill of rights defence cmtee 44
Local Politics 630
Tax reform 59
Young republicans 124
Sean Hannity 20
Rush Limbaugh 21
Right tobear arms 240
Libertarian 555
Ron Paul Campaign 762
States Rights 31
10th Ammendment 55
Politics and activism 863
Limited Gov. 48
Fiscal responsibility 11
Common sense 6
Campaign for Liberty 234
Health Freedom 87
End the Fed. 79
Freedom 155
Political Activist 55
Restoring US Constitution 71 Fredom Campaign 156
Constitution Party 91
912WST,teaparty Liberty 316
Fair Tax 82
Friday, January 22, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010