My ramblings and opinions on current issues affecting our country,constitution and Personal liberties. As well as everyday happenings of interest. But Mostly just my thoughts at the moment! WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED FUTURE! IN THE DAYS AHEAD.
Webby 91225
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Revised Dec. 17,2009
My health care plan;
I’m thinking that the number of uninsured folks out there has been all over the charts from 13 mil. to 45 mil. So lets do a compromise on these numbers, and call it 29 million uninsured souls out there wandering around without a clue.
I believe I can come up with something that will not only cover all of them, but lower the cost of the deficit over the next few dozen years. I can do this without making it 2000 pages long.
Politicians, it would seem, think of themselves as the Elite Class and know best what is good or not good for the rest of the human race. Namely you and I, Mr.& Mrs. American citizen. I believe it is high time the would be “elite” few start giving there fair share in stead of taking it from the US citizen.
Lets start by making them pay up their delinquent taxes plus late fees and penalties just like
Mr. Average American has to.
Lets start deducting their taxes in advance so they won’t keep making the same “mistakes”.
Lets give them all a job description sheet and hold them accountable to it. If they choose to go astray from this job outline, then their actions will be scrutinized by their constituents to determine the next step to be taken, as far as their continued employment is concerned. Any and all payment for extra duty will need to be authorized by these same constituents.
Lets provide them all with the "Green Chevy" they would have us purchase.
All personal correspondence materials be it stationary, stamps, cell phones, or paperclips would be their responsibility, and not put on to the tax payers.
There would need to be a dress code. IE: Democrats in blue suits, Republicans in grey suits, and others in tan so any one could distinguish the party lines and not allow insurgents. This will afford everyone some accountability.
Lets give them a one size fits all health plan.
Lets give them equal pay for equal work.Overtime pay after 40 consecutive hours. Across the board.
With just these few changes we could very possibly save enough money to get all of the unfortunate ones covered. There is no need to force insurance on anyone. If and only when they are in need of care they go to a local facility and file for a one time loan to cover treatment costs.This loan to be covered by left over bailout /stimulas funds. And passed on to the patient at a 2% interest be paid off before any new major care is given in the future. The facility would then have the responsibility to treat the individual. If the treatment is successful then all medical staff and doctors get paid well. If treatment doesn’t work then they all get minimum wage for their time.
Prices for treatments and procedures will be set by the States.
This will provide for more competition along with a higher quality of care never before seen.
Any excesses in funds go directly to pay down deficit to get China out our hair and off our backs. We must preserve our sovereignty.
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