My ramblings and opinions on current issues affecting our country,constitution and Personal liberties. As well as everyday happenings of interest. But Mostly just my thoughts at the moment! WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED FUTURE! IN THE DAYS AHEAD.
Webby 91225
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Seals against the Asses
November 25, 2009
There I had to get that off my chest and my mind. I just finished reading an article released by the Fox News channel.
The article stated that three Navy Seals are being tried for allegedly bruising the lip of a terrorist suspect, during his being captured. Well, here, you read this:
According to Fox News national security correspondent Catherine Herridge, the SEALs succeeded in capturing Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber." Abed reportedly later told investigators he was punched by his captors causing his lip to bleed.
"The three suspects, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial," according to Fox News Channel.
"Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers," states the report.
Charges against the three SEALS include dereliction of duty, failure to safeguard a detainee, assault, and making false statements. The three SEALs will be arraigned separately on December 7. Another three SEALs — two officers and an enlisted sailor — have been identified by investigators as witnesses but have not been charged, according to Fox News.
Now what do you think? Here are my thoughts. And this is as politically correct as I can get on issues dealing with this administration.
I find it very difficult to maintain my Christian morals and speak calmly. These dumb ass politicians in this administration who are lead by "b.h.o." deserve this treatment more so than do our military. As with the Border Patrol Officers being arrested during the bush administration. We as a country are taking it up the ass in the name of political correctness. This is BULLSHIT and I for one won't take it anymore!!
We have got to come together somehow and take this country back from these “panty- waist mamby pambies.”
Enough with all this political correctness already. It’s far more dangerous than you think.
If your offended by name calling get over it. It’s better than being beheaded.
And if a bloody lip is more offensive than burning and public hanging. Then I would suggest you suffer the latter as apposed to the former. I’m not sorry for your bloody lip, in fact I would prefer
you to be tied to a tree and let the surviving family members at you with baseball bats. You can wear a blind fold so you won’t know if your being traumatized by females or not.
Well I got that off my chest.
Thank you for listening while I ranted and raved.
I feel better now, but those Navy Seals are still facing charges so we can’t let up against these corrupt politicians. We have to get real Americans back in office and soon. For the sake of our country. GOD Bless The USA.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Like a kid in a candy store this administration is stuffing itself with program after program. They can't keep up with the fraud already out there. They claim it's running rampant in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Yet they want to cut certain aspects of it they say is full of fraud. Why is this and why has it gone unchecked until now? I can't see scraping some thing that is only in need of repair. Lets try to fix and get rid of the persons in charge the known fraudulent entities. If there is a part that isn't working trace it back to see where it started going bad. And go from there to weed out the corruption behind the problem. We need not add another of the same kind until you get the corruption out of what you have.
No need to go down this same road twice.(It uses way too much fuel to see the same ol same ol). And costs would be astronomical.
This makes about as much sense as closing "Gitmo" a perfectly fine facility in a perfect location, only to open another place of the same type to do the same thing with the same scenario all because the name offends some foreigner or special interest group. It's a Hell of a lot cheaper to change the name than to disrupt the the entire system that's working. Not to mention the safety aspect of all involved.
It's like, ok, the Massachusetts Healthcare thing isn't working out as well as it's supposed to. So lets reform that first to where it's working correctly for a year or two before letting loose this enormous mistake on our country. It makes more sense to do a recall on a smaller scale while the problems can be isolated easier. But lets not unleash this monster on the whole country at once until we can know if it can be tamed. WE don't want it to turn and bite us in the back a couple years down the road, because it's "Too Big To Fail".
No need to go down this same road twice.(It uses way too much fuel to see the same ol same ol). And costs would be astronomical.
This makes about as much sense as closing "Gitmo" a perfectly fine facility in a perfect location, only to open another place of the same type to do the same thing with the same scenario all because the name offends some foreigner or special interest group. It's a Hell of a lot cheaper to change the name than to disrupt the the entire system that's working. Not to mention the safety aspect of all involved.
It's like, ok, the Massachusetts Healthcare thing isn't working out as well as it's supposed to. So lets reform that first to where it's working correctly for a year or two before letting loose this enormous mistake on our country. It makes more sense to do a recall on a smaller scale while the problems can be isolated easier. But lets not unleash this monster on the whole country at once until we can know if it can be tamed. WE don't want it to turn and bite us in the back a couple years down the road, because it's "Too Big To Fail".
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our Liberties, Health care, The economy, and other issues
My, no. Our Liberties, Health care, The Economy, and other Important issues at hand.
It's a challenge to know where to start in the assessment of these issues.
They're all important and must be dealt with right away.
We can not wait any longer for these to be addressed.
The country can’t go on, putting off stopping the nonsense in DC is not an option we can sustain. That being said I’ll start with the first one. “Our Liberties”
Our liberties are in great jeopardy. But you probably didn’t need me to tell you that.
From free speech as we know it, to the right to choose your doctor, to choosing what you can and can’t eat, drink and have a Merry Christmas.( And recently choosing your BIOLOGICAL GENDER. The right to bear arms is mighty close to being infringed upon. And in some places it already is.
There are groups of extreme leftists, (Acorn),(ANTIFA), (BLM), out there who are resorting to intimidation, violence and scare tactics at polling places. Thereby infringing on our right to vote in some areas of this country.
Healthcare is taking the form of another government program. There’s talk that the system is in need of reform. While that may be true. But if the would be leaders want to overhaul the healthcare system they should start by fixing what they have before starting another one. Instead of claiming to stop the fraud in Medicare. What’s to say there won’t be the same problem with any other program they want to start. The government seems to be good at making new laws and then not enforcing them or at least adhering to them.
I say No to gov. run H C. And bill hc-3962.And now the latest compromise bill from the senate.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.oo
The economy started it’s roll down the slippery slope a while back. And even though it is in an emergency mode I don’t’ believe more spending will get anyone out of debt. I tried that with my credit cards and it was disastrous. I can barely imagine what it would be like on this country wide scale of TRILLIONS. Stop the bailouts to those who have. The big bank officials should have to wait for the company to profit before getting their “bonuses”. The bailout funds was not to be considered profit from which to pay CEO’s. It was supposed to be to provide operating
dollars to help keep banks afloat. And then they sank. Must be the weight from all that money.
The very same thing happened with the Big Two auto companies who accepted the Big Money.
Wow that was easy. Lets miss use it on extravagance and bonuses to the top elite and union officials. When it’s gone and we’re still not back on our feet we’ll get more. “WE’RE TO BIG TO FAIL”. But fail they did any way. Now it’s like we can’t say no now, not after all this time and money we’ve poured into them for naught. How would that look?
I pray I can some how help put a stop to this:
My, no. Our Liberties, Health care, The Economy, and other Important issues at hand.
It's a challenge to know where to start in the assessment of these issues.
They're all important and must be dealt with right away.
We can not wait any longer for these to be addressed.
The country can’t go on, putting off stopping the nonsense in DC is not an option we can sustain. That being said I’ll start with the first one. “Our Liberties”
Our liberties are in great jeopardy. But you probably didn’t need me to tell you that.
From free speech as we know it, to the right to choose your doctor, to choosing what you can and can’t eat, drink and have a Merry Christmas.( And recently choosing your BIOLOGICAL GENDER. The right to bear arms is mighty close to being infringed upon. And in some places it already is.
There are groups of extreme leftists, (Acorn),(ANTIFA), (BLM), out there who are resorting to intimidation, violence and scare tactics at polling places. Thereby infringing on our right to vote in some areas of this country.
Healthcare is taking the form of another government program. There’s talk that the system is in need of reform. While that may be true. But if the would be leaders want to overhaul the healthcare system they should start by fixing what they have before starting another one. Instead of claiming to stop the fraud in Medicare. What’s to say there won’t be the same problem with any other program they want to start. The government seems to be good at making new laws and then not enforcing them or at least adhering to them.
I say No to gov. run H C. And bill hc-3962.And now the latest compromise bill from the senate.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.oo
The economy started it’s roll down the slippery slope a while back. And even though it is in an emergency mode I don’t’ believe more spending will get anyone out of debt. I tried that with my credit cards and it was disastrous. I can barely imagine what it would be like on this country wide scale of TRILLIONS. Stop the bailouts to those who have. The big bank officials should have to wait for the company to profit before getting their “bonuses”. The bailout funds was not to be considered profit from which to pay CEO’s. It was supposed to be to provide operating
dollars to help keep banks afloat. And then they sank. Must be the weight from all that money.
The very same thing happened with the Big Two auto companies who accepted the Big Money.
Wow that was easy. Lets miss use it on extravagance and bonuses to the top elite and union officials. When it’s gone and we’re still not back on our feet we’ll get more. “WE’RE TO BIG TO FAIL”. But fail they did any way. Now it’s like we can’t say no now, not after all this time and money we’ve poured into them for naught. How would that look?
I pray I can some how help put a stop to this:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Revised Dec. 17,2009
My health care plan;
I’m thinking that the number of uninsured folks out there has been all over the charts from 13 mil. to 45 mil. So lets do a compromise on these numbers, and call it 29 million uninsured souls out there wandering around without a clue.
I believe I can come up with something that will not only cover all of them, but lower the cost of the deficit over the next few dozen years. I can do this without making it 2000 pages long.
Politicians, it would seem, think of themselves as the Elite Class and know best what is good or not good for the rest of the human race. Namely you and I, Mr.& Mrs. American citizen. I believe it is high time the would be “elite” few start giving there fair share in stead of taking it from the US citizen.
Lets start by making them pay up their delinquent taxes plus late fees and penalties just like
Mr. Average American has to.
Lets start deducting their taxes in advance so they won’t keep making the same “mistakes”.
Lets give them all a job description sheet and hold them accountable to it. If they choose to go astray from this job outline, then their actions will be scrutinized by their constituents to determine the next step to be taken, as far as their continued employment is concerned. Any and all payment for extra duty will need to be authorized by these same constituents.
Lets provide them all with the "Green Chevy" they would have us purchase.
All personal correspondence materials be it stationary, stamps, cell phones, or paperclips would be their responsibility, and not put on to the tax payers.
There would need to be a dress code. IE: Democrats in blue suits, Republicans in grey suits, and others in tan so any one could distinguish the party lines and not allow insurgents. This will afford everyone some accountability.
Lets give them a one size fits all health plan.
Lets give them equal pay for equal work.Overtime pay after 40 consecutive hours. Across the board.
With just these few changes we could very possibly save enough money to get all of the unfortunate ones covered. There is no need to force insurance on anyone. If and only when they are in need of care they go to a local facility and file for a one time loan to cover treatment costs.This loan to be covered by left over bailout /stimulas funds. And passed on to the patient at a 2% interest be paid off before any new major care is given in the future. The facility would then have the responsibility to treat the individual. If the treatment is successful then all medical staff and doctors get paid well. If treatment doesn’t work then they all get minimum wage for their time.
Prices for treatments and procedures will be set by the States.
This will provide for more competition along with a higher quality of care never before seen.
Any excesses in funds go directly to pay down deficit to get China out our hair and off our backs. We must preserve our sovereignty.