One might wonder if the holding out by Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska was a well thought out plan, or was it a huge mistake in the making?
Just think for a moment about what could and may happen now that Nebraska has become the "New Welfare State". First of all many Nebraskans will now not have to worry any longer about their healthcare ins. coverage. They will be covered by the tax payers dollars till end of life sets in. They may need to consider the "Care" part of it however, like the Quality.Things that are free tend to be less than average. Remember the old addage; "You Get What You Pay For". And since when has the government kept on track and focused funding to where it is supposed to go and not gone astray. There seems to be alot of pet projects out there looking for funding.
How long will it be, in the State of the Free, before others not so fortunate realise they aren't privy to the same benefits as those Cornhuskers. Do you suppose there might be some anomosity toward those who arranged this shady lucrative deal behind closed doors in the dead of night? This might just have some damning affect and repercusions on those senators who didn't hold out for the bribes. Over time, as many come to feel left out, Envy sets in and becomes the driving force behind all kinds of ideas and actions.
Think about the years gone by and the "Gold Rush" , The Land Grab, and more recently the "Cash For Clunkers". Just how well those situations played out. It was fine for a few in the front of the line but mighty "slim pickins" for the majority. Not to mention the civil unrest and upheaval between freinds and neighbors when greed set in. That's what this is really all about -Greed-. I'm quite sure you all will be having a population explosion out there in Nebraska "Land of the Free- Home of the Slave".(to big government)
I don't mean to blame you the fine citizens of the Welfare state it's not your fault. You were sold out by a wimpy senator who's set for life anyway. His benefits are covered his retirement is secured whether he stays in office or not. Senator Nelson prostituted himself and his state for the likes of Harry & Barry
and the libral left. But hey he's not alone Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu,
Vermont Sen.Bernie Sanders, and Connecticut Sen.Chris Dodd were at the same orgy. It's just that they apparently gave in to the sleezebags sooner, and for less than did Ole Benny Boy.
I can't just single out these two, the whole government accept for a few individuals are corrupt.
They have all gone asrtay from our tried and true US Constitution. A doctine that has gotten us this far and has allowed us our pursuit of happeness. It may have taken some a little longer and some may have had to strive a little harder to reach this point in their lives.But it's working for something, a goal if you will, that builds character in ones soul, and gives us a sense of dignity.
But when I see our leaders taking away from those who have, just because they have it, in order to give to those who are not willing to earn or gain on their own, I can only look at those leaders with distrust and disgust for awarding hand outs to a certain few who are either not willing or not capable of obtaining the "prize" through normal channels.
(more to come)
My ramblings and opinions on current issues affecting our country,constitution and Personal liberties. As well as everyday happenings of interest. But Mostly just my thoughts at the moment! WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED FUTURE! IN THE DAYS AHEAD.
Webby 91225
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Seals against the Asses
November 25, 2009
There I had to get that off my chest and my mind. I just finished reading an article released by the Fox News channel.
The article stated that three Navy Seals are being tried for allegedly bruising the lip of a terrorist suspect, during his being captured. Well, here, you read this:
According to Fox News national security correspondent Catherine Herridge, the SEALs succeeded in capturing Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber." Abed reportedly later told investigators he was punched by his captors causing his lip to bleed.
"The three suspects, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial," according to Fox News Channel.
"Now, instead of being lauded for bringing to justice a high-value target, three of the SEAL commandos, all enlisted, face assault charges and have retained lawyers," states the report.
Charges against the three SEALS include dereliction of duty, failure to safeguard a detainee, assault, and making false statements. The three SEALs will be arraigned separately on December 7. Another three SEALs — two officers and an enlisted sailor — have been identified by investigators as witnesses but have not been charged, according to Fox News.
Now what do you think? Here are my thoughts. And this is as politically correct as I can get on issues dealing with this administration.
I find it very difficult to maintain my Christian morals and speak calmly. These dumb ass politicians in this administration who are lead by "b.h.o." deserve this treatment more so than do our military. As with the Border Patrol Officers being arrested during the bush administration. We as a country are taking it up the ass in the name of political correctness. This is BULLSHIT and I for one won't take it anymore!!
We have got to come together somehow and take this country back from these “panty- waist mamby pambies.”
Enough with all this political correctness already. It’s far more dangerous than you think.
If your offended by name calling get over it. It’s better than being beheaded.
And if a bloody lip is more offensive than burning and public hanging. Then I would suggest you suffer the latter as apposed to the former. I’m not sorry for your bloody lip, in fact I would prefer
you to be tied to a tree and let the surviving family members at you with baseball bats. You can wear a blind fold so you won’t know if your being traumatized by females or not.
Well I got that off my chest.
Thank you for listening while I ranted and raved.
I feel better now, but those Navy Seals are still facing charges so we can’t let up against these corrupt politicians. We have to get real Americans back in office and soon. For the sake of our country. GOD Bless The USA.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Like a kid in a candy store this administration is stuffing itself with program after program. They can't keep up with the fraud already out there. They claim it's running rampant in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Yet they want to cut certain aspects of it they say is full of fraud. Why is this and why has it gone unchecked until now? I can't see scraping some thing that is only in need of repair. Lets try to fix and get rid of the persons in charge the known fraudulent entities. If there is a part that isn't working trace it back to see where it started going bad. And go from there to weed out the corruption behind the problem. We need not add another of the same kind until you get the corruption out of what you have.
No need to go down this same road twice.(It uses way too much fuel to see the same ol same ol). And costs would be astronomical.
This makes about as much sense as closing "Gitmo" a perfectly fine facility in a perfect location, only to open another place of the same type to do the same thing with the same scenario all because the name offends some foreigner or special interest group. It's a Hell of a lot cheaper to change the name than to disrupt the the entire system that's working. Not to mention the safety aspect of all involved.
It's like, ok, the Massachusetts Healthcare thing isn't working out as well as it's supposed to. So lets reform that first to where it's working correctly for a year or two before letting loose this enormous mistake on our country. It makes more sense to do a recall on a smaller scale while the problems can be isolated easier. But lets not unleash this monster on the whole country at once until we can know if it can be tamed. WE don't want it to turn and bite us in the back a couple years down the road, because it's "Too Big To Fail".
No need to go down this same road twice.(It uses way too much fuel to see the same ol same ol). And costs would be astronomical.
This makes about as much sense as closing "Gitmo" a perfectly fine facility in a perfect location, only to open another place of the same type to do the same thing with the same scenario all because the name offends some foreigner or special interest group. It's a Hell of a lot cheaper to change the name than to disrupt the the entire system that's working. Not to mention the safety aspect of all involved.
It's like, ok, the Massachusetts Healthcare thing isn't working out as well as it's supposed to. So lets reform that first to where it's working correctly for a year or two before letting loose this enormous mistake on our country. It makes more sense to do a recall on a smaller scale while the problems can be isolated easier. But lets not unleash this monster on the whole country at once until we can know if it can be tamed. WE don't want it to turn and bite us in the back a couple years down the road, because it's "Too Big To Fail".
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our Liberties, Health care, The economy, and other issues
My, no. Our Liberties, Health care, The Economy, and other Important issues at hand.
It's a challenge to know where to start in the assessment of these issues.
They're all important and must be dealt with right away.
We can not wait any longer for these to be addressed.
The country can’t go on, putting off stopping the nonsense in DC is not an option we can sustain. That being said I’ll start with the first one. “Our Liberties”
Our liberties are in great jeopardy. But you probably didn’t need me to tell you that.
From free speech as we know it, to the right to choose your doctor, to choosing what you can and can’t eat, drink and have a Merry Christmas.( And recently choosing your BIOLOGICAL GENDER. The right to bear arms is mighty close to being infringed upon. And in some places it already is.
There are groups of extreme leftists, (Acorn),(ANTIFA), (BLM), out there who are resorting to intimidation, violence and scare tactics at polling places. Thereby infringing on our right to vote in some areas of this country.
Healthcare is taking the form of another government program. There’s talk that the system is in need of reform. While that may be true. But if the would be leaders want to overhaul the healthcare system they should start by fixing what they have before starting another one. Instead of claiming to stop the fraud in Medicare. What’s to say there won’t be the same problem with any other program they want to start. The government seems to be good at making new laws and then not enforcing them or at least adhering to them.
I say No to gov. run H C. And bill hc-3962.And now the latest compromise bill from the senate.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.oo
The economy started it’s roll down the slippery slope a while back. And even though it is in an emergency mode I don’t’ believe more spending will get anyone out of debt. I tried that with my credit cards and it was disastrous. I can barely imagine what it would be like on this country wide scale of TRILLIONS. Stop the bailouts to those who have. The big bank officials should have to wait for the company to profit before getting their “bonuses”. The bailout funds was not to be considered profit from which to pay CEO’s. It was supposed to be to provide operating
dollars to help keep banks afloat. And then they sank. Must be the weight from all that money.
The very same thing happened with the Big Two auto companies who accepted the Big Money.
Wow that was easy. Lets miss use it on extravagance and bonuses to the top elite and union officials. When it’s gone and we’re still not back on our feet we’ll get more. “WE’RE TO BIG TO FAIL”. But fail they did any way. Now it’s like we can’t say no now, not after all this time and money we’ve poured into them for naught. How would that look?
I pray I can some how help put a stop to this:
My, no. Our Liberties, Health care, The Economy, and other Important issues at hand.
It's a challenge to know where to start in the assessment of these issues.
They're all important and must be dealt with right away.
We can not wait any longer for these to be addressed.
The country can’t go on, putting off stopping the nonsense in DC is not an option we can sustain. That being said I’ll start with the first one. “Our Liberties”
Our liberties are in great jeopardy. But you probably didn’t need me to tell you that.
From free speech as we know it, to the right to choose your doctor, to choosing what you can and can’t eat, drink and have a Merry Christmas.( And recently choosing your BIOLOGICAL GENDER. The right to bear arms is mighty close to being infringed upon. And in some places it already is.
There are groups of extreme leftists, (Acorn),(ANTIFA), (BLM), out there who are resorting to intimidation, violence and scare tactics at polling places. Thereby infringing on our right to vote in some areas of this country.
Healthcare is taking the form of another government program. There’s talk that the system is in need of reform. While that may be true. But if the would be leaders want to overhaul the healthcare system they should start by fixing what they have before starting another one. Instead of claiming to stop the fraud in Medicare. What’s to say there won’t be the same problem with any other program they want to start. The government seems to be good at making new laws and then not enforcing them or at least adhering to them.
I say No to gov. run H C. And bill hc-3962.And now the latest compromise bill from the senate.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.oo
The economy started it’s roll down the slippery slope a while back. And even though it is in an emergency mode I don’t’ believe more spending will get anyone out of debt. I tried that with my credit cards and it was disastrous. I can barely imagine what it would be like on this country wide scale of TRILLIONS. Stop the bailouts to those who have. The big bank officials should have to wait for the company to profit before getting their “bonuses”. The bailout funds was not to be considered profit from which to pay CEO’s. It was supposed to be to provide operating
dollars to help keep banks afloat. And then they sank. Must be the weight from all that money.
The very same thing happened with the Big Two auto companies who accepted the Big Money.
Wow that was easy. Lets miss use it on extravagance and bonuses to the top elite and union officials. When it’s gone and we’re still not back on our feet we’ll get more. “WE’RE TO BIG TO FAIL”. But fail they did any way. Now it’s like we can’t say no now, not after all this time and money we’ve poured into them for naught. How would that look?
I pray I can some how help put a stop to this:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Revised Dec. 17,2009
My health care plan;
I’m thinking that the number of uninsured folks out there has been all over the charts from 13 mil. to 45 mil. So lets do a compromise on these numbers, and call it 29 million uninsured souls out there wandering around without a clue.
I believe I can come up with something that will not only cover all of them, but lower the cost of the deficit over the next few dozen years. I can do this without making it 2000 pages long.
Politicians, it would seem, think of themselves as the Elite Class and know best what is good or not good for the rest of the human race. Namely you and I, Mr.& Mrs. American citizen. I believe it is high time the would be “elite” few start giving there fair share in stead of taking it from the US citizen.
Lets start by making them pay up their delinquent taxes plus late fees and penalties just like
Mr. Average American has to.
Lets start deducting their taxes in advance so they won’t keep making the same “mistakes”.
Lets give them all a job description sheet and hold them accountable to it. If they choose to go astray from this job outline, then their actions will be scrutinized by their constituents to determine the next step to be taken, as far as their continued employment is concerned. Any and all payment for extra duty will need to be authorized by these same constituents.
Lets provide them all with the "Green Chevy" they would have us purchase.
All personal correspondence materials be it stationary, stamps, cell phones, or paperclips would be their responsibility, and not put on to the tax payers.
There would need to be a dress code. IE: Democrats in blue suits, Republicans in grey suits, and others in tan so any one could distinguish the party lines and not allow insurgents. This will afford everyone some accountability.
Lets give them a one size fits all health plan.
Lets give them equal pay for equal work.Overtime pay after 40 consecutive hours. Across the board.
With just these few changes we could very possibly save enough money to get all of the unfortunate ones covered. There is no need to force insurance on anyone. If and only when they are in need of care they go to a local facility and file for a one time loan to cover treatment costs.This loan to be covered by left over bailout /stimulas funds. And passed on to the patient at a 2% interest be paid off before any new major care is given in the future. The facility would then have the responsibility to treat the individual. If the treatment is successful then all medical staff and doctors get paid well. If treatment doesn’t work then they all get minimum wage for their time.
Prices for treatments and procedures will be set by the States.
This will provide for more competition along with a higher quality of care never before seen.
Any excesses in funds go directly to pay down deficit to get China out our hair and off our backs. We must preserve our sovereignty.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Suppose I started to believe all the hooplah on this Global Warming stuff. And lets just suppose for a minute that I started to feel guilty about my contribution to this supposed problem. How would I go about getting a measurement of greenhouse gasses released by me? Now would I have to purchase some scientific scopes and meters that have been manufactured just for such circumstances? Or is there some sort of "fart chart" that is broken down into increments of time.
Or is an odor monitor readily available? Supposing there is such a device. Would I be charged by
my size, my age, or by the type and amount of food I consume? And then what about eating say, beans one meal then offsetting that with carrots or such? I've heard that these gasses are categorized in units of cubic feet. How would one capture a cubic foot of said gas for measurement and content, knowing that there is probably different classes of gasses from differing types of a*#&^. And we wouldn't want to get away with anything fishy. I would need to keep things on the up&up. Is there any color change in the gas pertaining to carbon content? (This is not a racist question). Just trying to get all the facts. So I can pay my fair share without putting up a stink.
Now supposing I got my gasses classed and contained in a clear cubic foot plastic container, (or should it be glass). Wow so many unanswered questions. Oh well I'm sure some political expert out there is knowledgeble. Maybe Al Gore. He seems to be full it.
I need to know how to put a price on this container of green housegas. Is it priced by the
package at so much per foot, cubic foot, or cubic inch if I have a partial container. I'm pretty sure there would be extra charges for more potent supplies. And differing types of gasses. Oh and can they be mixed together for shippment? You know I have to save where I can. Would this pricing compare to say, the oil or gasoline prices? And would supply and demand have any affect on prices?
Next. Where do I ship this to for proper disposal? Are there specific countries or cities here in this country accepting deliveries of this stuff? What about labling is there a hazard class for these home made gasses?
How much can I store before having to ship? Can I ship Fed-X-X or P-U-Service?
Now tell me who do I make the check out to? Would it be better to pay by credit card? I want a Carbon copy of the invoice if it's not extra$. Will send all carbon copies back on next shippment.
Is there any warrentee on this transaction? I would like to get detailed report on just how my payment plugged the hole in the O zone. And can I file for a refund if it dosen't?
Oh, I almost forgot, should I insure this Package, for how much and with a private Insurer,or will a public plan be good enough?
Thank you for your output.
Webby Wants To Know
Or is an odor monitor readily available? Supposing there is such a device. Would I be charged by
my size, my age, or by the type and amount of food I consume? And then what about eating say, beans one meal then offsetting that with carrots or such? I've heard that these gasses are categorized in units of cubic feet. How would one capture a cubic foot of said gas for measurement and content, knowing that there is probably different classes of gasses from differing types of a*#&^. And we wouldn't want to get away with anything fishy. I would need to keep things on the up&up. Is there any color change in the gas pertaining to carbon content? (This is not a racist question). Just trying to get all the facts. So I can pay my fair share without putting up a stink.
Now supposing I got my gasses classed and contained in a clear cubic foot plastic container, (or should it be glass). Wow so many unanswered questions. Oh well I'm sure some political expert out there is knowledgeble. Maybe Al Gore. He seems to be full it.
I need to know how to put a price on this container of green housegas. Is it priced by the
package at so much per foot, cubic foot, or cubic inch if I have a partial container. I'm pretty sure there would be extra charges for more potent supplies. And differing types of gasses. Oh and can they be mixed together for shippment? You know I have to save where I can. Would this pricing compare to say, the oil or gasoline prices? And would supply and demand have any affect on prices?
Next. Where do I ship this to for proper disposal? Are there specific countries or cities here in this country accepting deliveries of this stuff? What about labling is there a hazard class for these home made gasses?
How much can I store before having to ship? Can I ship Fed-X-X or P-U-Service?
Now tell me who do I make the check out to? Would it be better to pay by credit card? I want a Carbon copy of the invoice if it's not extra$. Will send all carbon copies back on next shippment.
Is there any warrentee on this transaction? I would like to get detailed report on just how my payment plugged the hole in the O zone. And can I file for a refund if it dosen't?
Oh, I almost forgot, should I insure this Package, for how much and with a private Insurer,or will a public plan be good enough?
Thank you for your output.
Webby Wants To Know
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My Thoughts on Red Leaded Pencils
I grew up and went to school during the 50's and 60's. In rural upstate NY. As I remember,
Red was a common color in those days.
Red was my favorite for many years until Metalflake came along,next there was Candy Apple Red.
I remember I had a Red wagon, I had a Red snow sled, I enjoyed a little pedal car that you could
sit in and ride,I believe that was Red too.But while in High School it was the Metalflake Red hot rods in "Hot Rod" magazine that really caught my attention. All kinds of different shapes and sizes and colors, but the Metalflake Red ones really stood out. 1951 Ford 2 door coup was my favorite at the time.
Lots of Metalflake glimmering with the sun's reflection.COOL. And later on they put that very same color on speedboats, then bass fishing boats. After that CandyApple Red took over on the Hot Rod scene.
Also, I can recall seeing lots of Red on my school work. No I didn't markup my homework with
pictures of Red hot rods n boats n things. Well not all the time anyway. It seems my teachers liked the color Red too. They would always correct my school work with a Red pencil, how cool that was.
I didn't get their markings mixed up with my doodlings. My teachers ( and that is what they were then), were there to teach, just as I was there to learn. Every one of them used Red marking pencils to grade my work. We need to be Graded you know , or we wouldn't know if we were improving or regressing in our quest for knowledge.I recall all notations were in Red, both good and bad they would use a / mark to note the incorrect answers and a C to note the correct answers. Then our score or grade was put at the top of the
page usually a number with a circle around it. Passing or Failing got the same Red circle.And maybe some ???'s
We never thought anything about the color.
It was the number at the top of the paper that counted. Sure was good to see 100%.
even though it was in Red. Who cares? I've seen penty of 40's 50's and 60's also in Red.
( Colors don't Count Numbers do).
It's the number that lets us know if we're learning anything or not. And it's testing that lets us know if we are
retaining what we learn.
Now let me say this. Not all Red is good. The Red army is bad, the Red coats were bad, Red oozing out of
the human body is not usually a good thing, I believe that Code Red is probably not good either.
And I'm sure there are others.
But lets take a look at some of the of other colors, what about black and blue, that hurts, Black is
beautiful but hard to keep clean. Blue skies and eyes are nice, but blue lips and skin are not (I better breath here).
Folks don't like gray when it's the color of the sky or hair or skin. Purple spots on skin are sometimes painfull
to touch. Pink is not good when it's in the eye. And what about yellow, fever or jaundice? Take brown for instance.
It has both good and bad qualities, brown skin is nice, brown eyes are beautiful, brown hair is prevalant and good.
At the same time brown spots on your lungs are bad, brownouts not a good thing, and most bodily wastes are brown
although it's good to be rid of it, it's not a real pleasant sight. And how about Green we hear alot about green
these days. Ah green is so good. Oh really? what about green envy? Envy is not good there is way to much of it
happening lately. Green on food items not good. Green behind the ears? Well it leaves room for improvement.
I don't like the green that comes out of lobsters either. I think about our US currency being green thats good, unless it's our coins corroding and losing value. But with our new paper $$'s
their putting some Red blends into it lately. Which is a good thing (security purposes) Green trees are nice,
green hair is stupid until March 17. Green house gases ( CO2). Good for plants not good for people but plants
breath it and replenish our oxygen (not sure what color it is) but thats a good thing. GOD made it that way.
As with anything, there are good and notso good points to be made. So to take the color Red out of our schools and out of
our lives because a few can't deal with the negatives in their own minds is utterly wrong. Christmas with out RED
would be pretty dull for lots of kids. But then those same insecure people are the ones who want to remove
May GOD bless us all.
PS: and soon
Lynn Wright
I grew up and went to school during the 50's and 60's. In rural upstate NY. As I remember,
Red was a common color in those days.
Red was my favorite for many years until Metalflake came along,next there was Candy Apple Red.
I remember I had a Red wagon, I had a Red snow sled, I enjoyed a little pedal car that you could
sit in and ride,I believe that was Red too.But while in High School it was the Metalflake Red hot rods in "Hot Rod" magazine that really caught my attention. All kinds of different shapes and sizes and colors, but the Metalflake Red ones really stood out. 1951 Ford 2 door coup was my favorite at the time.
Lots of Metalflake glimmering with the sun's reflection.COOL. And later on they put that very same color on speedboats, then bass fishing boats. After that CandyApple Red took over on the Hot Rod scene.
Also, I can recall seeing lots of Red on my school work. No I didn't markup my homework with
pictures of Red hot rods n boats n things. Well not all the time anyway. It seems my teachers liked the color Red too. They would always correct my school work with a Red pencil, how cool that was.
I didn't get their markings mixed up with my doodlings. My teachers ( and that is what they were then), were there to teach, just as I was there to learn. Every one of them used Red marking pencils to grade my work. We need to be Graded you know , or we wouldn't know if we were improving or regressing in our quest for knowledge.I recall all notations were in Red, both good and bad they would use a / mark to note the incorrect answers and a C to note the correct answers. Then our score or grade was put at the top of the
page usually a number with a circle around it. Passing or Failing got the same Red circle.And maybe some ???'s
We never thought anything about the color.
It was the number at the top of the paper that counted. Sure was good to see 100%.
even though it was in Red. Who cares? I've seen penty of 40's 50's and 60's also in Red.
( Colors don't Count Numbers do).
It's the number that lets us know if we're learning anything or not. And it's testing that lets us know if we are
retaining what we learn.
Now let me say this. Not all Red is good. The Red army is bad, the Red coats were bad, Red oozing out of
the human body is not usually a good thing, I believe that Code Red is probably not good either.
And I'm sure there are others.
But lets take a look at some of the of other colors, what about black and blue, that hurts, Black is
beautiful but hard to keep clean. Blue skies and eyes are nice, but blue lips and skin are not (I better breath here).
Folks don't like gray when it's the color of the sky or hair or skin. Purple spots on skin are sometimes painfull
to touch. Pink is not good when it's in the eye. And what about yellow, fever or jaundice? Take brown for instance.
It has both good and bad qualities, brown skin is nice, brown eyes are beautiful, brown hair is prevalant and good.
At the same time brown spots on your lungs are bad, brownouts not a good thing, and most bodily wastes are brown
although it's good to be rid of it, it's not a real pleasant sight. And how about Green we hear alot about green
these days. Ah green is so good. Oh really? what about green envy? Envy is not good there is way to much of it
happening lately. Green on food items not good. Green behind the ears? Well it leaves room for improvement.
I don't like the green that comes out of lobsters either. I think about our US currency being green thats good, unless it's our coins corroding and losing value. But with our new paper $$'s
their putting some Red blends into it lately. Which is a good thing (security purposes) Green trees are nice,
green hair is stupid until March 17. Green house gases ( CO2). Good for plants not good for people but plants
breath it and replenish our oxygen (not sure what color it is) but thats a good thing. GOD made it that way.
As with anything, there are good and notso good points to be made. So to take the color Red out of our schools and out of
our lives because a few can't deal with the negatives in their own minds is utterly wrong. Christmas with out RED
would be pretty dull for lots of kids. But then those same insecure people are the ones who want to remove
May GOD bless us all.
PS: and soon
Lynn Wright
Monday, February 9, 2009
What do you think? - A year and two months later...
What Do You think NOW?
Do you still think it's time for more Change and Hope?
Do you still think we've had enough Change for now and there's no Hope in sight?
Do you still think there is no Hope for Change?
Do you still think Hope to needs to Change?
Do you still need to Change inorder to have Hope?
Do you still think that we're taking Chances rather than Making Changes?
Do you still think it's more Hype than Hope?
Do you still think that Hope is just a wish?
Do you still wish that this Hope thing Would Change?
Do you still think that Change is what jingles in your pocket?
Do you still think you Wish for Hope?
Do you still think Change is constantly Changing?
Do you still think that Hope is hopeless?
Do you still think that Change is Helpful?
Do you still think you need help to Change?
Do you still think you need help to Hope?
Do you stillthink we need to Hope for Help?
Do you still think every one else should Change?
Do you still think there's enough Change for every one else?
Do you still think it's up to others to change things for you?
Do you still think it's up to someone else tell us what to hope for?
Happened to all the Cash that was available two years ago?
Is this is like some MONOPLY game?
Is There was just one winner?
Do you think the game is over?
Do you think we should restart the Game?
Do you think keep the same players in charge of the BANK?
WHAT DO YOU REALLY THINK? A year and two months later
Let me know what you think.
Do you still think it's time for more Change and Hope?
Do you still think we've had enough Change for now and there's no Hope in sight?
Do you still think there is no Hope for Change?
Do you still think Hope to needs to Change?
Do you still need to Change inorder to have Hope?
Do you still think that we're taking Chances rather than Making Changes?
Do you still think it's more Hype than Hope?
Do you still think that Hope is just a wish?
Do you still wish that this Hope thing Would Change?
Do you still think that Change is what jingles in your pocket?
Do you still think you Wish for Hope?
Do you still think Change is constantly Changing?
Do you still think that Hope is hopeless?
Do you still think that Change is Helpful?
Do you still think you need help to Change?
Do you still think you need help to Hope?
Do you stillthink we need to Hope for Help?
Do you still think every one else should Change?
Do you still think there's enough Change for every one else?
Do you still think it's up to others to change things for you?
Do you still think it's up to someone else tell us what to hope for?
Happened to all the Cash that was available two years ago?
Is this is like some MONOPLY game?
Is There was just one winner?
Do you think the game is over?
Do you think we should restart the Game?
Do you think keep the same players in charge of the BANK?
WHAT DO YOU REALLY THINK? A year and two months later
Let me know what you think.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Webby Spouts Off
The times , are they, or are they not changing ? I was under the impression that with this newly elected President Obama, that things were going to change starting on day one. But as I look at, and hear reports of, it seems to me as though we're getting more of the same old politics. At first glance there would be a fresh new face, someone not having been around the block so to speak(hard core politicians). Someone who will tackle the country's woes from a different persective than one who we might say is" from the old school". But now after seeing the cabinate selections I don't believe that any longer. Most if not all of the Presidents men have served in former positions of influence under former past same party administrations.Therefore nothing is new accept the man at the top of the pile. It would seem that the same leaders that made faulty decisions putting us into this mess will no doubt make the same mistakes again lining the pockets of collegues and constituents. So as I see things form where I sit it's the bailed out banks, auto company CEO's , Union leaders and top officials getting the pie to split amonst them selves while they do business as usual . And fail again. Is this not the definition of insantity ( doing the same ol thing and expecting different results)?
Instead of bikering, complaining and passing blame to each others Party I would suggest that the Leaders should be open to and scrutinize any and all ideas to solving the problems we face as a Nation. It appears that we're headed down the road to Socialism. And We know that dose not fix things, except for the Elite. As you can see trickle down works for the bad as well as for the good.I feel that the tried and true system of capitalism is best. It's been working from the beginning. But for it to work we must also work. The bible says if a man will not work than he should not eat. This redistribution of wealth will only result in fewer people trying to increase their earning potential (only for someone to give it to those who decide not to work for it.If you know some thing that might be a solution then by all means voice it and discuss it openly. Lets work together openly to get this country back under our control and not the control of some forign country thats may be about to forclose on the major debt we owe.
Instead of bikering, complaining and passing blame to each others Party I would suggest that the Leaders should be open to and scrutinize any and all ideas to solving the problems we face as a Nation. It appears that we're headed down the road to Socialism. And We know that dose not fix things, except for the Elite. As you can see trickle down works for the bad as well as for the good.I feel that the tried and true system of capitalism is best. It's been working from the beginning. But for it to work we must also work. The bible says if a man will not work than he should not eat. This redistribution of wealth will only result in fewer people trying to increase their earning potential (only for someone to give it to those who decide not to work for it.If you know some thing that might be a solution then by all means voice it and discuss it openly. Lets work together openly to get this country back under our control and not the control of some forign country thats may be about to forclose on the major debt we owe.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Webby's #2
To all you folks out here that just happen to stumble onto this wonderful mumbo jumbo.
Webby has been hard at work today getting Milk picked up and delivered to the processing plant. A most enjoyable day, depite the cold & snow. A short ten hours later and I'm back online trying to get this online business figured out and setup & running. But for someone of my years I only hope there are enough left. It all started one evening as I was watching a U-Tube video. Then the first thing you know I'm signed up for some online home business thing. Well , it did say it was free. I'm usually a sucker for free stuff, so here we are. 5 days later I've gotten 4 websites, and 8 supposedly streams of income ( if I could only think of the right questions to ask ). Then I might be able to get some answers. What was that user name and password again?
1)- What is the next step?
2)-And next?
And so on.
Well you can see my dilema. It's just tha-
to be continued
till next time ,Webby
To all you folks out here that just happen to stumble onto this wonderful mumbo jumbo.
Webby has been hard at work today getting Milk picked up and delivered to the processing plant. A most enjoyable day, depite the cold & snow. A short ten hours later and I'm back online trying to get this online business figured out and setup & running. But for someone of my years I only hope there are enough left. It all started one evening as I was watching a U-Tube video. Then the first thing you know I'm signed up for some online home business thing. Well , it did say it was free. I'm usually a sucker for free stuff, so here we are. 5 days later I've gotten 4 websites, and 8 supposedly streams of income ( if I could only think of the right questions to ask ). Then I might be able to get some answers. What was that user name and password again?
1)- What is the next step?
2)-And next?
And so on.
Well you can see my dilema. It's just tha-
to be continued
till next time ,Webby
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Day 1 For Webby
Good Morning people.
Actually it's day two, but I just now got settled into this blog stuff and I'm so lost in here that time
is a thing of the past .
I was just informed from my lovely that we're in for a storm (weatherly speaking) of course.
A journey to the market is on the adgenda and this will take more of that time away from Webby's work schedule.
I'm having a bit of a problem with the setup of portions of this site thing ,but I'm sure we'll work it out in time.
I must stop for now and catch up later
Wish you all well til my return , Webby
Actually it's day two, but I just now got settled into this blog stuff and I'm so lost in here that time
is a thing of the past .
I was just informed from my lovely that we're in for a storm (weatherly speaking) of course.
A journey to the market is on the adgenda and this will take more of that time away from Webby's work schedule.
I'm having a bit of a problem with the setup of portions of this site thing ,but I'm sure we'll work it out in time.
I must stop for now and catch up later
Wish you all well til my return , Webby