Well it’s a new year 2010,(2011) and I’m sure we’ll be hearing from the anti-gun groups
shortly. With NYC Mayor Bloomberg leading the charge along with NY Sen. Schumer and Sen. Lautenberg of NJ acting as backup. The Brady gun ban group in the lineup also.
As well as a handful of other misinformed, misguided, anti-everything constitutional folks.
It would seem that every year they try coming at us with a new approach, new regulations, new rules, new ideas and even laws from other countries and the UN along with a host nations who have a system of laws on the books outlawing guns and gun owners from enjoying and distributing and redistributing their guns and other weaponry.
What if the Anti-gunners succeed in getting their anti-gun legislation
agenda through and we have to live in a country with a st rick and total gun-ban.
Can you just imagine the horror there would be just trying to enforce something of this magnitude? Why it would be a gross nightmare. Think about it, we have bans and restrictions on all kinds of stuff now when you try to board a plane. I’m sure it will spread to other mass transit carriers. Like trains, buses, and cruise ships, even government buildings, and office structures like the Trade Towers, where will it end?
As you can see over the past few weeks security, as tight as it’s supposed to be,
has been lacking in something. And in order for a total ban to succeed there would have to be total security just as the case now at airports. From where I stand it doesn’t look all that successful lately.
Everyone, every man, woman, and child would have to be screened coming and going from every where at all times. This Government can’t keep up with the pace now. How on earth could they expect to even begin an operation this large?
They would need to depend on every person to be in lockstep with this new disruption of life's liberties. NOT!.
In a room of 5 people 3 would want to be in charge and not be subjected to the new rules, one wouldn’t care, cause he detests guns, and the last one would be of a criminal mindset and probably has a gun pointed at the previous one because he is an easy target willing to give up his right to anything someone else may want to take.
So tell me who in their right mind for $12.00 an hour is going to frisk, wand,
X-ray, photograph, and record all this information on everyone who passes by? Not to mention trying to disarm the guy who may be of that "criminal" mind set.
But I must say one thing. It would, put many people to work for the Government, manufacturing the new equipment and machinery necessary to the job. Every business, school, and neighborhood would need this screening apparatus. And who screens the screeners? And are “they” trustworthy?
I’ show you mine, if you show me yours?
“Lets make a deal” time.
Just my take on it.
Oh-yah as for me, I'll wear a sidearm. The rest of you can wear a Cop.