Webby 91225

Monday, February 9, 2009

What do you think? - A year and two months later...

What Do You think NOW?

Do you still think it's time for more Change and Hope?

Do you still think we've had enough Change for now and there's no Hope in sight?

Do you still think there is no Hope for Change?

Do you still think Hope to needs to Change?

Do you still need to Change inorder to have Hope?


Do you still think that we're taking Chances rather than Making Changes?

Do you still think it's more Hype than Hope?

Do you still think that Hope is just a wish?

Do you still wish that this Hope thing Would Change?

Do you still think that Change is what jingles in your pocket?


Do you still think you Wish for Hope?

Do you still think Change is constantly Changing?

Do you still think that Hope is hopeless?

Do you still think that Change is Helpful?

Do you still think you need help to Change?

Do you still think you need help to Hope?


Do you stillthink we need to Hope for Help?

Do you still think every one else should Change?

Do you still think there's enough Change for every one else?

Do you still think it's up to others to change things for you?

Do you still think it's up to someone else tell us what to hope for?


Happened to all the Cash that was available two years ago?

Is this is like some MONOPLY game?

Is There was just one winner?

Do you think the game is over?

Do you think we should restart the Game?

Do you think keep the same players in charge of the BANK?


WHAT DO YOU REALLY THINK? A year and two months later

Let me know what you think.



Sunday, February 1, 2009

Webby Spouts Off

The times , are they, or are they not changing ? I was under the impression that with this newly elected President Obama, that things were going to change starting on day one. But as I look at, and hear reports of, it seems to me as though we're getting more of the same old politics. At first glance there would be a fresh new face, someone not having been around the block so to speak(hard core politicians). Someone who will tackle the country's woes from a different persective than one who we might say is" from the old school". But now after seeing the cabinate selections I don't believe that any longer. Most if not all of the Presidents men have served in former positions of influence under former past same party administrations.Therefore nothing is new accept the man at the top of the pile. It would seem that the same leaders that made faulty decisions putting us into this mess will no doubt make the same mistakes again lining the pockets of collegues and constituents. So as I see things form where I sit it's the bailed out banks, auto company CEO's , Union leaders and top officials getting the pie to split amonst them selves while they do business as usual . And fail again. Is this not the definition of insantity ( doing the same ol thing and expecting different results)?
Instead of bikering, complaining and passing blame to each others Party I would suggest that the Leaders should be open to and scrutinize any and all ideas to solving the problems we face as a Nation. It appears that we're headed down the road to Socialism. And We know that dose not fix things, except for the Elite. As you can see trickle down works for the bad as well as for the good.I feel that the tried and true system of capitalism is best. It's been working from the beginning. But for it to work we must also work. The bible says if a man will not work than he should not eat. This redistribution of wealth will only result in fewer people trying to increase their earning potential (only for someone to give it to those who decide not to work for it.If you know some thing that might be a solution then by all means voice it and discuss it openly. Lets work together openly to get this country back under our control and not the control of some forign country thats may be about to forclose on the major debt we owe.